Wednesday, May 22, 2013

ARC Review: The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
Publication Date: April 30th, 2013
Publisher: Harlequin Teen 
Source: Netgalley from Publisher. (Thanks!)

My Review:

You know what is my favorite line from The Immortal Rules?

“Today for dessert, we have apple pie, blueberry pie and Ezekiel pie.” 

Pg 297 from The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.

LOL! This line basically shows what a funny guy Zeke is. I used to be all for the bad boys. But now, I am rooting for the empathetic boys. It is so rare to find someone who does not care, really wants to help others. Zeke is tougher in The Eternity Cure, while staying true to his core values, causing me to like him even more. 

Now that the fun part is over is on to dropping into a dangerous world.

“I was a monster who killed and preyed on human life; I could never escape that, but at least I could choose what kind of lives I took.” (Kagawa 13)

The Eternity Cure begins awhile after The Immortal Rules concluded with Allison on a journey to find and rescue her sire, Kanin, from a frightening villain, Sarren. Sarren hates Kanin with justification. Kanin did a grave mistake many years prior that left him an outcast and hated by most vampires. Sarren is creepy. Sarren is crazy. Sarren is brilliant. Sarren scared me.

The Eternity Cure contains a marvelous plot and language to keep me engrossed in the story. The plot may be slow at times, but every page includes a wondrous description to portray this attentive story. The book includes questioning the existence of a monster, beautiful scenes of courage, a surprising partnership, challenges brought by trust, and caused me to become furious towards a dreadful human.

Stick. Ugh. Zeke’s foil character. Zeke’s brave. Stick’s pathetic. The first book caused me to be sorry for him. He was the coward who could not protect himself, relying on Allison. Here, in The Eternity Cure, he does an action that changed my sorry feeling to anger. You have to read the book to understand the context. Even though I strongly dislike him, I still appreciate his character since he illustrates another reaction a person can have by living in this book’s horrific world.

My reading experience of The Eternity Cure is never dim. Laughter echoed through Jackal’s humorous lines. I loved how much Jackal changed while he still stayed true to his character’s personality. I smiled when Zeke taught Allison to dance and grinned through every one of their scenes. Now I’m anxious for the next book, The Forever Song.

Sidenote: I love how each title is a synonym to forever.

This book was given on Netgalley for an honest review and the above review is an honest one. I truly became captivated by this story. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I didn't notice that each title was a synonym for forever, Rachel! Good catch! I can't wait to pick this up. I didn't think I would ever like Zeke but reviews are making me re-think that. Wonderful review! :)

  2. Such a wonderful review, Rachel! I wasn't a big fan of the first book, but this one was very special to me. I didn't mind the slower pacing at all and I was never bored, not even for a second. The characters were all amazing, and I was actually invested in the romance this time, which wasn't the case with the last book.
    Great review, dear.

  3. Yay I'm so happy you loved this one! I agree, Jackal was so hilarious and I loved Zeke so much because he was so compassionate and kind :) It kind of seemed like that beacon of hope throughout the entire thing because, like you pointed out, Stick coped with the vampire apocalypse thing pretty poorly, and Zeke handled it really, really well.

    Fantastic review, Rachel!

  4. STICK RACHEL! I wanted to throttle him! Well, actually, I wanted to do far worse, but I won't go into it in a comment:) I'm so glad you loved this book as much as I did, I just adore this series. The ending nearly broke my heart and The Forever Song just cannot release soon enough! Beautiful review:)

  5. I love this series, even more than The Iron Fey books. Jackal is probably my favorite character...the anti-hero. And I could have throttled Stick myself. Great review!

  6. Wow, everyone raves about this one! I think I might check it out sometime, even though I had more mixed feelings about the first one. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  7. I used to be all for the bad boys too (I probably still am, actually!), but I do like Zeke's character a lot. Stick still made me want to vomit, but I suppose I'm beginning to understand him a little better too. I just can't wait to see where Julie Kagawa takes the story next, especially after the way things ended. Great review, Rachel!

  8. I really like Zeke a lot too but I tend to prefer the nice honorable guy so that's not too surprising. Very interested to learn what else is to come for these characters!



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